Vehicle: - Switch to Car

Mirror Glare Proof
USD $2.50 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Mirror Glare Proof (Day/ Night) Card. Hangs On Mirror

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Mirror Glare Proof (Day/ Night) Card. Hangs On Mirror

This is a nice reproduction of the card that hangs on the arm of the glare proof Day-night mirror. For All Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Paint Lacquer
TAG16 53-58
USD $15.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Lacquer Paint Instruction Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Lacquer Paint Instruction Card

This is a reproduction of the 1953-58 lacquer paint care card. For 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Quality Control Card
TAG15 49-54
USD $15.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Quality Control Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Quality Control Card

This is a reproduction of the 1949-54 quality control card. For 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Service Policy
TAG25 37-51
USD $15.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Service Policy

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Service Policy

This is a reproduction of the 1937-51 service policy card. For 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Spotlight Card
TAG08 37-54
USD $3.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Spotlight Card - Original S3-S4, Hung On Spotlight

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Spotlight Card - Original S3-S4, Hung On Spotlight

This is a reproduction card that originally hung on the spotlight. Original to S3-S4 but can be used for other years. For 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Warranty Card
TAG14 54-60
USD $10.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Warranty Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Warranty Card

Here's a reproduction of an impossible to find warranty card. For 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Windshield Washer
DEC02 39-50
USD $6.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Decal - Windshield Washer On Metal Basket

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Decal - Windshield Washer On Metal Basket

This is the windshield washer decal that's located on the metal basket. Note: This is a water slide decal. For 1939 1940 1941 1942 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

DEC14 51-54
USD $10.75 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Decal - Windshield Washer Basket

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Decal - Windshield Washer Basket

This is a decal for the windshield washer basket. For 1951 1952 1953 1954 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Cigar Lighter
TAG02 39-50
USD $6.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Cigar Lighter Card - Casco

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Cigar Lighter Card - Casco

This is a nice reproduction of the original Casco brand cigar lighter instruction card. For 1939 1940 1941 1942 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

TAG22 54-58
USD $8.75 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Car Cigar Lighter Tag - Rochester

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Car Cigar Lighter Tag - Rochester

This is the tag for the Rochester brand cigar lighter. For 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Chevrolet Cars

TAG24 49-50
USD $2.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Clock, Electric - Instruction Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Clock, Electric - Instruction Card

This is the instruction card for the electric clock for 1949-50. For 1949 1950 Chevrolet Cars

TAG23 37-42
USD $2.50 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Compass Tag (Cut In Outline Of Co

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Compass Tag (Cut In Outline Of Co

This is a nice reproduction of the original accessory compass tag. (cut in outline of compass) For 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

DEC12 37-59
USD $8.75 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Decal - Compass Instruction

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Decal - Compass Instruction

This is a nice reproduction of the the original accessory compass instruction decal. For 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Jack Instruction Card
TAG05 37-39
USD $6.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

This is a reproduction of the original jack instruction card. For 1937 1938 1939 Chevrolet Cars

TAG06 41
USD $6.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

This is a reproduction of the original jack instruction card. For 1941 Chevrolet Cars

TAG20 49-52
USD $6.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

This is a reproduction of the original jack instruction card. For 1949 1950 1951 1952 Chevrolet Cars

TAG19 53
USD $9.50 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

This is a reproduction of the original jack instruction card. For 1953 Chevrolet Cars

TAG07 54
USD $10.75 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

This is a reproduction of the original jack instruction card. For 1954 Chevrolet Cars

TAG18 40
USD $10.75 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Jack Instruction Card

This is a reproduction of the original jack instruction card. For 1940 Chevrolet Cars

Power Steering
DEC22 53-54
USD $11.25 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Car Power Steering Pulley - Decal

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Car Power Steering Pulley - Decal

This is the decal for the power steering pump pulley. For 1953 1954 Chevrolet Cars

DEC23 53-54
USD $11.25 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Car Power Steering Lid, Decal

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Car Power Steering Lid, Decal

This is the decal for the lid of the power steering reservoir. For 1953 1954 Chevrolet Cars

Powerglide Instructions
TAG26 50-54
USD $12.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Car Powerglide Transmission Instructions - Sleeve Goes On Sunvisor

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Car Powerglide Transmission Instructions - Sleeve Goes On Sunvisor

This is the instructions for the Powerglide automatic transmission. It's a paper sleeve that was originally installed on the sun visor. For 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 Chevrolet Cars

Service Policy
TAG13 51-59
USD $10.00 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Service Policy

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Service Policy

This is a reproduction of the 1951-59 service policy card. For 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Windshield Washer
DEC13 51-54
USD $11.25 Each
Chevrolet Parts -  Chevrolet Decal - Windshield Washer Lid

CHEVROLET Chevrolet Decal - Windshield Washer Lid

This is the decal for the lid of the windshield washer jar. For 1951 1952 1953 1954 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks

Vehicle: - Switch to Car